Risk analysis

The project team’s mails can contribute to your risk analysis

Mails from the project team are essential for risk analysis in construction projects, as they document detailed discussions and decisions. They provide a time-stamped overview that helps track changes in the project scope and identify specific risks. These communications contain crucial information about project agreements and change requests, and they can uncover communication errors that pose potential risks.

Intuitive archiving and analysis of these mails are therefore vital for proactively managing risks and ensuring the success of the project.

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Examples of information for your risk analysis that already exist in the project team’s inboxes

Risk identification

By reviewing mail correspondence, the team can identify concerns and unforeseen changes.

Trend analysis

Long-term analysis of mail communication can help identify patterns or recurring issues that you may need to address proactively.

Evidence base for risk management

If the project goes off track, an organised mail archive provides you with a foundation of evidence that can support your and the project team’s decisions and actions.

Updating the risk analysis

Mails can be used to continuously update the risk analysis, as they reflect the most current concerns and conditions in the project.

The team’s effort is crucial for the data output to the risk analysis

Not everyone in the organisation will necessarily be enthusiastic about the idea of archiving their mails, as some may perceive it as an invasion of privacy or as an unnecessary and time-consuming administrative task.

Here are three actions to motivate your team to archive more mails for the common good:

Understanding value: Clarify to the team the importance of their mails for the project’s success and risk management.

What to archive: Clearly define which mails are important to archive.

Provide the right tool: Implement a system that automates archiving without adding extra administrative work. If you have a plan for these three actions, your team should be motivated to archive more mails, giving you the optimal foundation for creating your risk analysis.

risk analysis


MARS as a tool for your risk analysis

MARS makes it intuitive to archive mails with drag-and-drop functionality and intelligent structuring, so archiving is no longer an administrative burden. This motivates your team to archive more mails.

The timeline feature and powerful search engine will become your key sources of information for the risk analysis, empowering you as a project manager.

MARS actively contributes to your construction project

By consistently using mails in risk analyses, construction projects can not only navigate through potential risks more safely and data-driven, but also achieve more transparent and stable project management.

But you need MARS to execute on this strategy with your team.

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